You’re ambitious with an eye for success. You’ve got big dreams for your company’s future, but aren’t quite sure where an online presence fits in or gets you there. Don’t worry – A Website Gap Analysis is a great place to start!

You need an analysis of your website? You want to improve user experience and conversions but don’t know how? Let us analyze your site’s design, content and usability so we can identify areas for improvement.

Pixelpop’s Website Gap Analysis includes:

  • Current Website Analysis

  • Local Competitor Analysis (3)

  • National Competitor Analysis (3)

  • Industry Web Trends & Standards Research

  • Local SEO Audit

  • Analytics Audit

  • Social Audit

What We Deliver:

  • Comprehensive Analysis PDF Report

  • Recommendation Roadmap

Roadmap Includes:

  • Quick Wins – Easy Implementation
  • A Step-by-Step Improvement Plan Timeline.

Local Competitor Websites(Required)
Please list up to three (3) local competitor websites below. To add another website please click on the plus sign to the right.
National Competitor Websites
Please list up to three (3) national competitor websites below. To add another website please click on the plus sign to the right.
Who is the end user you are looking to target? What position(s) do they hold?
Please separate search terms by commas.